Research areas and topics:
- Condensed matter physics
- Magnetism
- Phase transitions
- Magnetocaloric effect and materials
- Magnetic materials that present barocaloric effect
- Synchrotron radiation applied to magnetic materials
- Thermomagnetic devices
Research projects in progress:
- Experimental and theoretical studies of magnetic and magnetocaloric properties in intermetallics (supported by CNPq)
- Magnetocaloric effect and barocaloric effect: new experimental techniques, materials and theoretical models (supported by FAPESP)
- Study of the magnetocaloric effect in rare-earth intermetallic systems (supported by CNPq)
- Theoretical and experimental studies of Tesla motors using thermomagnetic materials (supported by CNPq)
- Processing of metallic alloys with magnetocaloric properties and amorphous and nanocrystalline structure for application in magnetic refrigerators (supported by CNPq)